Exclusive interview with Markus Horn at Horn Cutting Tools German facility

At the Technology Days event hosted by Paul Horn GmbH at its world headquarters in Tubingen, MTDCNC had an exclusive interview with Markus Horn who was appointed as the new Managing Director of the global cutting tool business in 2018. Here, MTDCNC’s Lindsey puts the questions to the new MD..

Lindsey asked Marcus what the company wanted to achieve from the event that was held as a celebration of the company’s 50 years in business? Markus told MTD: “During this event we are showing our customers how great our production facility is, so, we can see here the open hours of Horn and its production steps in all its transparency. It gives customers a chance to see what is necessary to make such perfect tools and what we are doing.”

Looking at the challenges of holding the reins at Horn and its position as a global player, Markus continues: “The challenge is always the same. We need to satisfy our customers. However, I would say the game has changed a little bit, and today we have the topics of Brexit, regulations and ensuring we satisfy customers with all the latest technology and everything that encompasses.”

Alluding to the significant investment levels the company has undertaken, Markus says: “Investment in buildings, people, machines and technology is always ongoing. For example, we always try and keep our trainees up to the most recent level of training and qualification and for the machines; we have bought around 55 machines for our grinding department. We have invested a lot more in other types of machines also. The technology investment also includes the coating department where we have a new coating machine. We are also trying to invest in new locations like the US, where we planning to expand massively in the next four years. In March, we invested in a facility in the Czech Republic where we are also growing. Our aim is always focus on growth.”

“Also, we are investing a lot in Tubingen. We have just completed some more buildings and we have the largest building in Tubingen, which is used purely for production. This is plant number 2. We have already started plans for the next expansion.”

When asked how technology is at the heart of the company’s plans? Markus says: “The heart of the company and its technology all started back with my grandfather who was very technical, and my father Lothar Horn also. So, the technology is something that drives and we are looking for people that support the same values and the same feeling for the customer. Our staff love the technology and they always want to help the customer through the application of technology. We are often asked to help our customers. For example, we have the carbide milling and you can now machine carbide, which is far more cost effective than grinding. This is the technology we are bringing forward, so our customers can benefit.”

When asked what the next 5-10 years will bring? Markus said: “So, much can happen and right now we are in such an uncertain political and technical situation. We have the questions of the combustion engine versus the electric engine. We also have the alternative energy sector that is growing as well as the political situation with Brexit. So, there are lots of tension in the market and you cannot exactly say how it will go. But, our key values of having the best products for our customers with the best processes and being able to deliver this around the world are extremely important for us.”

Looking more toward the shorter term future, Markus was asked what will be new for the EMO show. He concluded: “Right before our technology days event, we introduced some new products to the press – I cannot tell everything, but we have a lot of new products. We have a list of around 40 products that we have to chose from, with regards to which are the best ones for our customers and I can only say – come and visit us at the EMO Show, it will be great!”